My "Why"
I feel like I say “I am going to restart my low carb journey tomorrow” over and over again. I am so sick of hearing myself say this, let me tell you!! I sound like my boys, and that is super annoying. I am sure I am not the only person who does this. The last few years have been so tough on everyone for so many different reasons. I feel like at times I have used this as a kind of justification as to why I have not eaten low carb continuously and instead yo-yoed in and out. But first, I know that there are many new people to Low Carb Emporium. So let me introduce myself to everyone.
I am Yvonne. My husband, Jack and I, for some crazy reason, opened up Low Carb Emporium on our 6th wedding anniversary, 4 and a half years ago. Happy Anniversary to us Jack 😊 We were eating low carb (I tried strict keto for around a week, and realised it was not sustainable for me) for over six months before that. I was really frustrated and annoyed that I couldn’t find many low carb products at supermarkets or health food shops. I also didn’t want to be going around to heaps of different shops and only managing to find one product here and one product there. There were not nearly as many products available as there is today as well. So, I thought, maybe other people are having the same issues and if we could maybe bring lots of products together, it could help someone else. I was working as a nurse and Jack was working in the health care industry too. Our whole working lives have been about helping other people. We started the journey from our garage and it has grown beyond our wildest expectations. About a year into opening, we both quit our jobs to focus on Low Carb Emporium full time.
But let’s get back to the main point of all of this. For me, eating low carb was initially about weight loss, having difficulty losing weight after kids was tough for me and I was not able to lose weight in between having kids. But I soon discovered so many other benefits, but the two that stick out to me was an abundance of more energy and no more brain fog. And every time I go back to eating carbs, these are the two things that make me feel the worse. The lack of energy running a business with my spouse (who at the same time drives me crazy and who I love dearly) and having two kids is absolutely exhausting! Added to that the lack of energy that I personally get from eating carbs (no matter how delicious they me be at the time) makes everything so much harder.
So here I am, pledging to myself and to all of you (if you have read it this far, then thank you!) to get back on the right path for me. I just feel so much better eating low carb. The other reason that I really need to make this pledge, is that I have a very busy two years coming up. And I need to be as healthy as I can for this as I possibly can be. I have started the journey to be a surrogate. Full on, I know!! I am learning a lot as we commence this journey, and I want to make sure I can support the baby, my children, my husband and the business as best as I possibly can. And for me, that is eating low carb.
So wish me luck!