Looking for the keto and low carb BARBELL biltong and air dried steak? You’ve come to the right place. Low Carb Emporium has an amazing selection of BARBELL goodies.

BARBELL FOODS offers authentic and natural airdried steaks “Biltong” and meat sticks using organic grass-fed beef. Is this the most ideal keto snack? Many of our customers certainly think so. Perfect for on the go, as part of a grazing platter or a nutritious energy dense meal when camping or hiking.

We hope you enjoy this range and thank you for shopping at Low Carb Emporium, Australia’s largest low carb and keto one-stop shop.

Low Carb Emporium is Australia’s largest low carb and keto shop. We ship all across Australia and New Zealand. You can shop securely online or in store at our warehouse.

We are a family-owned business and employ a team of wonderful people from our local community. We thank you for your support.